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Organic Shilajit - Improve Gut Health

$39.98 Regular price
  • 85+ vitamins & minerals included.
  • 58% fulvic acid for optimal potency.
  • Rich in healthful amino acids.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Why Shilajit Improves Gut Health?

1. Fulvic acid is known for its ability to improve nutrient absorption in the gut. It helps transport minerals and other nutrients through the cell membranes, enhancing their uptake and utilization by the body.
2. A healthy gut microbiome is crucial for good digestion and overall health. Shilajit supports the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, which can improve digestion and nutrient absorption.

Does shilajit increase digestion?

Fulvic acid, a key component of shilajit, is known to enhance the absorption of nutrients. Improved nutrient absorption can contribute to better overall digestion and efficient functioning of the digestive system.

Does shilajit cleanse the colon?

Fulvic acid, a major component of shilajit, is known for its ability to bind with toxins and heavy metals, helping to eliminate them from the body. This binding action can assist in removing unwanted substances from the digestive tract, potentially contributing to colon cleansing.

Does shilajit remove toxins?

1. Fulvic Acid Content: Shilajit contains a high concentration of fulvic acid, which is known for its ability to bind and eliminate toxins from the body. Fulvic acid can help in the transportation of nutrients into the cells and the removal of toxins and heavy metals from the body.
2. Antioxidant Properties: Shilajit has strong antioxidant properties, which help in neutralizing free radicals and reducing oxidative stress. This can support the body's natural detoxification processes.
3. Adaptogenic Qualities: Shilajit is considered an adaptogen, which means it helps the body adapt to stress and may improve overall health and resilience, aiding in the detoxification process indirectly by enhancing bodily functions.

How should Shilajit be taken?

You should take a pea-sized amount about 250mg into any warm drink or water.Take once or twice per day.
Dilute a serving of Vitasy Shilajit Resin in a glass of beverage . Do not boil or use overly hot water.
The average dose for an adult is 500mg per day.
Take Vitasy Shilajit Resin in the morning on an empty stomach for optimal absorption and benefits.

Fine Tunes the body
VITASY finetunes your body to its maximum potential. VITASY’s benefits exceed and outperform any conventional shilajit ever made.
Optimizes blood and hormones
  • Optimizing a healthy response to inflammation.
  • Strengthens immune system.
  • Produces a powerful anti-aging effect.
  • Rapidly delivers rare minerals, metabolites, and antioxidants to all cells.
Healthy brain and emotions
  • Improves cognition and promotes a sense of focus.
  • Enhances ability to resist mental, emotional and social stressors.
  • Optimizes brain balance for a grounded and productive feeling.
  • Brings about a calmer state of mind while working or studying.
Strong bones, muscles, and organs
  • Rapid regeneration of healthy body tissue.
  • Stronger bones, muscles, and tendons.
  • Accelerated detoxification of organ tissue.
  • Improves oxygen and nutrient enrichment throughout the body.
Natural performance enhancer
  • Mental and physical performance enhancer.
  • Heightens libido and performance in men and women.
  • Natural adaptogenic effects without burn out.
  • Improves cellular regeneration and energy production.
Effective weight management
  • Supports healthy blood sugar and insulin levels.
  • Suppresses increased or excessive appetite.
  • Provides energy necessary for an active lifestyle.
  • Helps build muscle for increased fat burning.
Improved Sleep
  • Optimizes sleep cycles and alertness while wake.
  • Quickly adapts your body to your geomagnetic location, hence improving sleep quality.
  • Supports the body during sleep deprivation.
  • Rapidly diminishes jetlag.

Customer Reviews

Based on 315 reviews

This is my first experience with shilajit resin. I cannot compare it to other brands, as this is the only one I have tried. What I can share, is my personal experience with this particular resin.

Most noticeable was my nearly immediate increase in energy. The first couple times I used this product, I dissolved it into hot breakfast tea. As the day progressed, I noticed that I wasn't struggling with the usual brain fog. After a few days of promising results, I decided to try dissolving it under my tongue (sublingual). I was impressed that within 10 minutes, I felt energy and motivation that I have lacked for many months.

I few years ago, I was in a car accident that left me with injuries to my head, face, and brain. Ever since the accident, I have struggled with mental clarity, memory, mental stamina and overall energy levels. The injuries I endured have left me with lasting pain in the form of headaches and mental fatigue. Since using this shilajit, I have seen a remarkable improvement in my feeling of wellness, but most importantly, I have felt an improvement in my brain's functionality. It has been relieving, after years of wondering if I'd ever be myself again. I'm not back to 100%, but I'm close!! I am hopeful that continued use of this product will bring complete healing.

The resin itself is very thick in consistency. The color and texture are smooth and even. It has a rich, smoky flavor, and I do not detect any sweetness or odor. When I dissolve the resin sublingually, I coat the tip of a small sugar spoon and let it rest in my mouth, under my tongue, for about 10 minutes. Usually, this is enough time for it to be fully dissolved and absorbed. This has become my preferred method, and it's the first thing I do every morning.

I am grateful to have found this product! I've been using it for almost two months (cycling it, as instructed) and I have at least two more months worth of product. This has been a great product for me!

Alexander Forward
This stuff is amazing

I read and research on this supp and everyone had the same reaction. Libido through the roof. I take meds daily that killed it and now I feel like mine is super charged. This is only after taking it for 3 days. I put in water.
This may sound off but it doesn't have a taste when you drink it buuuuuutt it taste like metal. Weird I know. It doesn't have a taste but it taste like metal. One you try it you'll know what I mean. Anyways great packaging love the little gold spoon. It's also potent.

Good shilajit supplement

I've been taking it for a few weeks now, and I can feel a noticeable difference in my energy levels and focus. The fact that it's organic and sustainably sourced makes it even better.


After two weeks people were staring in my face.A person suspiciously ask What u been doing?
A co-worker said "U look younger these days" I actually was doing double looks in the mirrorAs if to say "Good grief,It actually works!!!Dark spots beneath eyes,gone!!!
Memory, cognitive.... Astonishing!!!

Love this Product

This product is exactly what I was looking for after looking at all the reviews and researching this is the real deal. I'm not only can see the difference. I can feel the difference. Great bang for your buck.